Friday 20 December 2013

17. Media Language - Light

In my group, we used a skull and a torch in a dark room to show the different effects of lighting and how the different positions of the light and change the effect of which it gives. The viedo below shows this.

By doing the excesie I learnt a lot about the different effects lighing can have on a film as this was one part of media prodcution that I had not before studied in much detail. After compleating the excerside with my group, I went online to do some further research on different ways lighitng is used within the film industry. I found this presentation on slideshare that helped me to understand all different types of lighting.

This diagram that I found using the slideshare presentation above, demonstrates the dramtically different effects that can be attaeived while positions lights at different places on the scene.

I also looked at the differentce between artifical and nautural lighting.

Natual lighting is when the only lighitng used during a shot or scene is the lught from the sun. This can cause many different effects due to the weather. If it is a sunny day then the shot will ne bright and connote themese such a happiness into the film. However, if the weather is dark and stormy, this could connote themese of anger, depression and evil into the film.

Artifical lighitng is when lights are plugged in a used in order to have more light wihtin the shot. This gives the directer more control over the lighitng and many more different effects can be used. Such as the 3 point lighitng that my group and I looked at before.

While shooting our short film, I think it will be best for my group to use a combination of both natual and atifical lighting. As we are filming during the winter months, the outside scenes will be dakr if we use natual lighting. This will give a good effect for our film as Josh and the gang of boys he get involved with are shown to be bad and aggressive. However, when shooting inside scenes it will be good to use artifical lighting otherwise the shots will be too dark. This will also add to the mise-en-scene of the film being in a school environment as schools usually have bright lighting.

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