Thursday 26 December 2013

20. Media Language - Editing

As the main task for out A2 media coursework was to make a short film, when coming up with ideas and wiring the script/film treatment, as a group we diced that the use of montages within the film would be a good way to be able to move the plot along at a fast pace, show an deeper relationship and bond between the characters and also keep then film within the 5 minute time limit.

After we had decided to use two montages within our film, i looked further into the use of montages in short films, why they are used and what effect they create.

Firtstly, I watched other short films that included a montage on the website Short of the Week, one film that I found used a montage in an effective way, and in a similar way in which my group and I are hoping to use a montage was a film called Roshambo.

This film is only a few minutes long but uses a montage in order to show the grouping relationship between the two characters by using shots of them walking around, holding hands and also by doing everyday things such as brushing their teeth, this enabled the producers to develop the playful relationship between the characters and make the viewer become attached to them as a couple within the shot 4 minute film.

After researching montages separately, me and Fiona Aldwin, used some clips form our film to make a practice montage.

In this montage we used a mixture of close ups, medium shots and long shots to show the growing relationship between Josh and Amy. We also added music over the top of the shots, this is because, as of how the shot was constantly changing, the back group noise made the montage sound messy. Also the choice of song, slow and about love, also helps with the theme of the montage.

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