Friday 12 July 2013

7b. Textual Analysis of a Drama Film

In order to research further into the Drama genre and what conventions are used with Drama short films, I analysed a short Drama film called Margo Lily. I found this film but using I chose this film as it is a Drama film that involves the loss of a loved one, much like the film my group are going to make.

The first shot of the film is a close up of the woman. In this shot she is seen to be crying. This shows sadness and sets the tone of the film straight away. The shot then changes into a long shot of the man walking towards woman, this shows the background and introduces both the characters as well as the setting. Throughout the film, many close ups and extreme close ups are used, this helps us connect with the characters and see their emotions. The camera is hand-help, this means it us unstable. This adds realism and as is as if the camera is viewing what is happening form the perspective of a third person.

The editing that is used is quite slow paced. This connotes the idea of sadness and is as if the characters are numb and can no longer move. There is also the use of a focus pull that makes the audience focus on the moon and the stars in the sky, this is used in a point of view shot so we can see that the male character may be looking for inspiration or help.

Throughout the first half of the film, the only sound that is used is the dialogue of the characters. This sets the storyline and allows the audience to make a connection with the characters. However, midway through the film, non-diagetic music starts to be played over the top of the film. This music is slow places and sad which sets the tone of the film further.

the lighting used is natural lighting which shows that the film is set a nighttime. This means that the film is dark and connotes ideas of sadness and depression. The film is seen to be centred around planting a tree for a daughter that the couple have sadly lost, because of this the prop of a tree is used a lot within the film. The costumes that the characters are wearing are winter clothes including a coat and hat. This shows that the film is set in winter. This could be seen as a plot device as the ground being frozen is the cause of the argument within the film as they cannot dig a hole to plant the tree. The idea of the film being set in winter is re-inforced by the christmas lights that are hung around the garden.

I also made a timeline of the film, to show the beats.


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