Friday 5 July 2013

3. Characterisation

Protagonist - The protagonist is the main character in a film. They are the character who the audience often relate to and identify with and end up being the hero within the plot.

Antagonist- The antagonist the the character within a film who contends with the protagonist. They are often the people who cause the conflict that the character needs to overcome and try and stop them overcoming it through out the film until they are defeated.

"A girl joins a new school and falls into the wrong crowd"

Protagonist – Ava joins a new school and struggles to fit in, until Josie, a girl in the year above her at school, invites her to be in her group of friends, however Ava is soon a victim of peer pressure from Josie and her friends.
 Antagonist - Josie is a girl at Ava’s new school, she is in the year above Ava. At first she is friendly to Ava and they get along well but then she starts to peer pressure Ava into doing think she doesn’t want to do such as smoking and taking drugs. Ava soon realizes that Josie isn’t the type of person she wants to be friends with and this causes Josie to get angry.


Here are some questions that I would ask my character Ava. I have added her example answers so that we can get a greater understanding of her personality.

What do you work like under pressure?

I don’t deal well with pressure; I get scared and usually try and avoid the situation.

What was your childhood like?

I grew up in a small countryside village where I went to a small school and had the same group of friend since I was a baby. When I turned 16 my dad got a job in a big city so we had to move. It was completely different to what my old life was like and I found it hard to fit in.

What is an average day like for you?

I go to school to have lesson and see my friends, then when I come home I do my homework and spend time with my family. I also have a pet dog called Joe, who I take for walks.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I like going to exercise classes with my mum. I also go shopping a lot to spend the money I earn in my part time job as a waitress.

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